
The NenuFAR Python3 package to read and analyze UnDySPuTeD data, nenupytf, is designed to be very modular and portable. Hence the simplicity of its installation and the limited package dependencies.

Installing with pip

These instructions cover installation with the Python package management tool PyPI. Python3 is required and no support will be provided for Python2.

nenupytf can simply be installed by running:

$ pip install nenupytf

Updates need to be regularly check for while this package is still in developpment:

$ pip install nenupytf --upgrade


There is no support for a conda insatallation yet.


nenupytf requires the following dependencies:

If they are not previously installed, they will be during the nenupytf installation.

Working on nancep servers

nenupytf is already installed and ready to work on the nancep servers at the Station de Radioastronomie de Nancay. An account registered user may use nenupytf functionalities once environment paths are properly set:

$ use Nenupy3

Checking installation

Once local installation is complete, or to check that nenupytf is correctly set (on a computer or on nancep servers), running the following command must show the correct path to the script nenupytf-info:

$ which nenupytf-info